Sunday, February 16, 2014

Are your   investment agent cheating you?

Yesterday, I was my in area’s neighbor shop for my hair cut. He had narrated one incident with happened with his relative who is not educated and never went school. His relative’s main profession is agriculture. One agent had come to him before 5 year’s back and promised him 2 times return whatever amount he deposit. He had trusted him and deposited Rs 45,000 with the hope that after 5 year he would get Rs 90,000. After completing 5 years when he had contacted his agent, the agent was not available. After contacting to the concern office when he had knew the value of his investment. It was shocking experience for him. Can you guess the value of his Rs 45,000 invested after 5 years? The value was only Rs 17000 !!! only. Such huge wealth destruction he had never imagined. His agent has cheated him by making false promise and hot informed about the investment product. 

Till now many of you may guessed, yes it was ULIP product. A product designed by mixing insurance and investment called ULIP.
I am sure that you also here such type of cheating incidents regarding investments. I always write in my blog and during the meeting with investors that never mix your investment with insurance need in one product. Avoid such products.

I think insurance product sold by more in emotional sense and less in real need sense. The agent finish conversation in very hurry and their large focus on sign the document quick. They only tell you what you want to hear like “promise” and “guarantee” type words. They often do not talk about product in detail never tell you about the risk of that financial product. My friends keep in one thing in your mind that there is not a single financial investment product designed in the world without risk. Every investment product comes with a type of risk. Now the question how to avoid yourself being mis-sold. I suggest you some point here.

  • ·         Do read carefully before sign any form or documents.

  • ·         Understand about the product which offered by your agent.

  • ·         Contact the company’s call centre and cross check your agent.

  • ·         Never give and bank cheque or sign the form in first meeting.

  • ·         Collect all detail about agent like his office address, contact, employee ID, job tenure, some little background about him and cross check by calling his office

  • ·         Use internet to know more about the offered product

  • ·         Focus on real return after cut taxes and expenses.

There are many more points worth discuss which we will discuss again sometime.

For more detail and any other query related investment, you can contact me through my email.

Warm regards,

Arvind Trivedi
Certified Financial Planner

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