Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mutual Fund Unit Claim

Claim documents for MF Units

One of my friends Mr Gupta passed away last month. He has left one daughter and wife behind him. He had purchased some mutual fund units for investment purpose. His family does not know the procedure how to claim the mutual fund units after the death of mutual fund unit holder. It is the common problem which may be faced by anyone from the unit holder’s family. Today I will mention here what documents needed for claim the mutual fund unit in case of unit holder’s death.

·         Request letter for transmission of the units from the nominee.
·         Death certificate in original or photocopy duly notarized or attested by gazette officer or bank manager.
·         Bank account details of nominee with attestation by a branch bank manager or cancelled cheque or bank statement bearing the account details with account holder name.
·         KYC of the nominee
·         Indemnity signed and executed by the nominee in the specified format, if the value of units are equal or more than threshold limit as determined by the mutual fund AMCs. ( At present the threshold limit is Rs 5 lakh per investor).
·         PAN card id is compulsory for mutual fund KYC.

Some cases where PAN card is not compulsory for KYC. It is as given below:

·         Investor resides in the state of Sikkim.
·         SIP where aggregator of installments in a rolling 12 month period or in a financial year does not exceed Rs 50,000.
·         In case of transaction undertaken on behalf of central or state government and official appointed by courts.
·         UN entities/ multilateral agencies exempt from paying taxes/ filing tax returns in India.

If you want more information regarding investment or you need investment services, feel free to ask us. We also conduct the seminar on investment and financial planning. If you are interested for seminar in your city just drop the mail.
Warm regards,
Arvind Trivedi
Certified Financial Planner

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