Whenever we plan for our child, we want make the best full proof
financial plan. Ultimately it is a investment plan linked to our emotions. As
soon as hear the new born baby news, there are a lot of so called insurance
agents, planner approach you for your loved baby’s future plan. Today, a lot of
children link product available in the market. Often we tend easily to
subscribe these plans without proper understanding the product and charges. No
matter how many books you read or how many financial classes you take, when
your little bundle of joy arrives, you are filled with happiness and a sense of
fulfilment and at this step you take a decision with emotional wave. Today I am
not going to talk about any particular child product or financial product for
your child’s future. We will discuss today how well we prepare ourselves
financially and learn some basic guidelines when expecting a baby.
After knowing the news about that you are expecting baby ask yourself
this question do you also prepare yourself financially? Many first time parents
get so caught up in the emotional wave of having a baby that they often tend to
overlook the financial aspect of this new responsibility.
Budget Analysis
Financial requirement do not start after the baby is born, but even
before the baby arrival. There are many small things you need to take into
consideration before and after the birth of your child. Keeping both the phases
in mind will help you to create a more financially secure future for not only
your child but also for your family.You need to re-organize your budget, as you
will be spending on pre-natal care and on medical visits to the doctor. Know
the areas where you can avoid or save and use those funds for the new expenses
that will arise during pre born baby stage.
Professional Life
Professional Life
Planning properly your professional
life is also very important. You will be taking leave from work during and
after the birth of your child. While many companies now offer paid
maternity/paternity leaves, check as to how many leaves you can take and how it
will affect your monthly salary. This will also help you to reorganize your
budget and your expenses.
Rework on your insurance:
Keep in mind insured yourself with sufficient sum assured. Do not
subscribe a policy on your child’s life. You don’t require policy on your child’s
life. This is a very critical stage of financial planning. You need to be
prepared with the appropriate insurance plans before, during and after the
birth of your child. If you are already investing in insurance for your spouse,
the expenses would be covered in the same plan, as it is not possible to take
fresh insurance during pregnancy. For calculating right sum assured of
insurance take a help of financial planner. A certified financial planner
can help you to understand how this investment can help the mother and the
child during various stages and how the cost can be covered with the right
Replan your Goals :
Replan your Goals :
Reassess your all future goals and make sure whether you are able or not
to finance your goal. You may not be able to fulfill some of your goals and
dreams. Instead of giving up on those, try to postpone the same, and invest a
part of your resources for your child. Your certified financial planner can
help you to move some of these resources and yet help you fulfill your goals. Make
sure you should have an emergency fund also. This could be used for those
unknown events that take you by surprise. It is best to ask a certified
financial planner a proper method to go about starting a contingency plan, as
they will make sure you do not use your current resources for the same. Make
sure you build a plan for money nest for your child’s future’s need like education
and marriage. While it is ideally a better option to create a separate plan for
education and marriage, you can choose a financial plan that will allow you to
invest as per your choice.
At last keep in mind your child is an extension of your life. You would only want what's best. So take the step to secure your child's life and bring your baby into a world of financial freedom.
If you have any query regarding investment please feel free to ask.
At last keep in mind your child is an extension of your life. You would only want what's best. So take the step to secure your child's life and bring your baby into a world of financial freedom.
If you have any query regarding investment please feel free to ask.
Arvind Trivedi
Certified Financial Planner
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