Thursday, September 26, 2013

To stop waste your money  is equally important

We often talk about to save money, invest money and earn money. Have we thought about ever to stop the wasting money whatever we have earned or saved? Many of us most of the time ignored the importance of to stop waste money. Today we will just discuss about how to prevent the waste of money. I am sure that it is beneficial to all of our blog reader.
Knowingly or unknowningly, almost everyone has some holes in their budget and the money from those holes keep leak. Few of those holes we are discussing here.

Credit card balance: We often use credit card frequently to purchase gadgets and unwanted things but we should try to pay all balance amount within the prescribed limit. As we don’t take serious it but it cost much more as annual interest rate around 50%. It also affect your credit score so be sure do not leave any balance. Pay of your outstanding balance each month before prescribed time limit.

Too much branded thing purchase: It does not mean you should compromise on the quality of product. Many times we fall in only brand name and ignore the less known brand name. For the brand name we pay a heavy premium unnecessary whereas better quality product available on reasonable price. By choosing an off brand over fancy label, you can save your money.

Delay payment of all utility bills : Make sure that your all bill should paid on time otherwise we pay high penal and delay charges. We don't realize but in electricity bill, house tax, landline / mobile bill, cable TV bill etc. We can save our money to pay all bill on time. Many organisation offer discount if you pay before last date.

Purchasing insurance you don’t need: Life insurance need arise when someone such a child, wife or parent dependent on you. Most single individual, senior citizen or kids don’t need a life insurance policy but we often purchase it due to the name of tax saving and agent’s misleading sells practice.

Share the resources: Increasing fuel prices like diesel, petrol and gas are becoming costly day by day. It affects everyone. It would be better if start pooling of resources. The best example of this is to share taxi or car with your office co-workers for travelling to office. By this way we can reduce transport bill effectively.

Rush for tax saving at the last moment: Avoid rush the last time tax planning. We often take wrong decision due to last minute tax saving rush. Due to this we often don’t claim eligible tax deduction and purchase bad financial product.

Leaving your money in a low interest bank account: Only on the name of safety if you keep your money in bank saving account or fix deposit which even not cover inflation, you are loosing your hard earned money. Always think that Is your money working as hard for you as you are working hard for money
For avoiding these types of waste of money take advice from certified financial planner and be wise with your money.

For more detail about any other query related investment, you can contact me through my email.
Arvind Trivedi
Certified Financial Planner

Monday, September 16, 2013

HUDCO Tax Free Bond - Opening on 17 September


After the REC tax-free bonds, the next company to come up with such an issue is Housing and Urban Development Corporation Limited (HUDCO). The company will be launching its issue from the coming Tuesday, September 17.

As compared to REC’s 8.26% (10Y), 8.71% (15Y) and 8.62% (20Y), HUDCO is offering 8.39%, 8.76% and 8.74% rate of interest for the respective tenors.
Though the interest will be paid annually but the date is not available. No prospectus available on company’s website.

HUDCO is raising total Rs. 5,000 crore from this tax-free bonds issue in this financial year, out of which it has already raised Rs. 190.80 crore through private placement. So, now it plans to raise the remaining Rs. 4,809.20 crore through this public issue, including the green-shoe option of Rs. 4,059.20 crore. The base issue size is Rs. 750 crore.

The official closing date of the issue is October 14 and the company may extend or preclose the issue, depending on the investors’ response to the issue.

The main features of REC issue as maintained below:

Rating of the issue - CARE and India Ratings have assigned a rating of ‘AA+’ to this issue, which is also ‘Secured’ in nature. HUDCO is wholly-
owned by the government of India, so the investors’ investment is quite safe.

Listing - HUDCO will get these bonds listed only on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The allotment and the listing will happen within 12 working days from the closing date of the issue. Investors can apply for these bonds either in physical form or in demat form, as per their comfort and requirement.

Interest on Application Money & Refund - The investors will get interest on their application money also, from the date of investment till the deemed date of allotment, at the same rate of interest as the applicable coupon rate is. Unlike REC issue which is to pay 5% p.a. interest on the refund money, HUDCO will pay the applicable coupon rate.

Categories of Investors & Basis of Allotment - The investors again have been classified in the following four categories and each category will have certain percentage of the issue reserved for the allotment:

Category I – Qualified Institutional Bidders (QIBs) – 10% of the issue is reserved

Category II – Non-Institutional Investors (NIIs) – 20% of the issue is reserved

Category III – High Net Worth Individuals including HUFs, NRIs & QFIs – 30% of the issue is reserved

Category IV – Resident Indian Individuals including HUFs, NRIs & QFIs – 40% of the issue is reserved

QIBs portion had 20% of the issue reserved in the REC issue and after observing their response in that issue, their reserved portion has been reduced to 10% in this issue. Category III HNI investors will get this 10% share of the pie. NRIs are eligible to invest in this issue as well, on a repatriation basis as well as on non-repatriation basis. Qualified Foreign Investors (QFIs) are also eligible.

Minimum & Maximum Investment - There is no change in the minimum investment requirement of Rs. 5,000 i.e. at least 5 bonds of Rs. 1,000 face value each. Retail Investors’ investment limit stands at Rs. 10 lakhs, beyond which they will be considered as HNIs and will get a lower rate of interest.

Interest rates of this issue look very attractive for the investor. I think it is good investment option for the investor of any tax bracket. Investors must go with it for safe and reasonable return.

For more detail about any other query related investment, you can contact me through my email.

Warm regards,

Arvind Trivedi, Certified Financial Planner

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tax free bond - best option for long tenure

Debt Market Investment

At the current economic scenario debt investment would be one of the best options. Bonds and fixed deposits have safety element and gives reasonable returns. Tax free corporate bonds are returning around 13% return. It is the main reason that investor are back to these tax free bonds.

At present Rural Electrification Corp. Ltd (REC Ltd) is available for investors. It offer 8.26% annualized yield to retail investors for 10 year maturity period. It has raised more than Rs 4300 crore in the past two weeks. Investors are grabbing this opportunity as they know that this high yield may not sustain in this high level.

Many bank fixed deposits offer 8.5-9 percent-at least in the short term. Bonds are even better. For example, NHAI tax-free bonds can be bought from the market for around Rs 1,084 (10-year bonds, maturing in 2022), giving a yield to maturity of 8.1-8.2 percent. Adjusted for the top tax bracket, this gives nearly 12 percent annual yield, well above inflation. Tax-free bonds are issued only by government-owned companies, and to that extent they are also safe from defaults.

According to finance ministry sources, India will allow to international funds to invest in tax free bonds with attractive return. The high subscription of these types of bonds would give a new boost to our economy as these investments are long term investments. The government can use this fund to develop the infrastructure, new power plants, road etc. and as a result investor’s confidence would come back for India.

State companies bonds with tax free interest consider best combination of returns and safety. In the present highly volatile market, tax free bonds are offering possibly highest returns to investors. According to me, it is very good opportunity to 30% tax bracket investors as the return in these bonds are total tax free and reasonable for 10 year tenure.

For more detail about any other query related investment, you can contact me through my email.

Warm regards,

Arvind Trivedi, Certified Financial Planner

Friday, September 6, 2013

NSEL e-series investor’s concern

All of you already know about NSEL (National Spot Exchange Ltd) payment crisis about 5600 crore through media. Investor now worried about their respective e-series metal holding like e-gold, e-silver etc with NSEL. From 6 August, 2013 the trading in NSEL is totally close. It is the main concern for investors.

Earlier, Investors were told that they could take physical delivery if they wanted to close their position. Even de-mat account with many brokers is not reflecting the holding position of e-series metal. Due to inordinate delay in physical delivery, people are now questioning if there are enough gold and silver stock. NSEL staffs are also not replying proper about delay in future.

So now it is very important to know the procedure of converting e-series unit into physical delivery. Today we will discuss about this.

Procedure for Physical of e-series

  • ·         The investor have to submit Delivery Instruction Slip (DIS) to the Depositary Participant (DP) along with the Surrender Request Form (SRF).

  • ·         The DP transfers the e-series unit to the account of NSEL based on DIS.

  • ·         DP then attest the signature of the investor on the Transfer Request Form (TRF) and handover the same to investor along with the acknowledge of the DIS.
  • ·         The investor now submit DIS and SRF to the exchange specifying the centre of his choice from where he wants to take delivery.
  • ·         The Unit holder shall fax the SRF and DIS acknowledgement to the exchange at fax no: 022-67269524 / 022-67619931 or mail to scanned copy at
  • ·         After receipt of the copy of DIS and SRF, exchange compute the making and packaging charges, Delivery charges, VAT/GST/CST and other dues , if any.
  • ·         The Exchange then communicate the total amount due to investor through the email id provided in SRF. The client then required to make such payment through the DD/Cheque in the favour of “National Spot Exchange Ltd.”

In case the payment is more than Rs 50,000 the payment will be accepted by DD (demand draft) only.

For receive the delivery, the client is required to submit the original SRF and proof of identity at the delivery center.


For more detail about any other query related investment, you can contact me through my email.

Warm regards,
Arvind Trivedi , Certified Financial Planner

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Risk associated with Investments

Risk associated with Investments

Risk is the integral part of every investment. There is not a single investment without risk. We often look for very safe, assured and high return investment. But in reality, there is not a single such type of investment avenue exist. There are many theory exist to measure and understand risk in many ways. Common investors often feel very difficult to these types of risk. It is financial advisor’s moral responsibility to spread awareness among the investors about it. Today, we are going to discuss the two basic forms of risk mentioned by William Bernestine, an investment manager. He has tried to explain to basic form of risk for investor’s better understanding of risk. According to him, there are two main type of risk :

1. Shallow Risk
2. Deep Risk

Shallow Risk:  Shallow risk is a temporary drop in any asset’s market value. It is associated with every asset class. The great investment guru Benjamin Graham referred to such an interim decline as “quotational loss.” It is as inevitable as weather. These type of losses are not permanent in nature. You can’t invest in anything other than cash without being hit by falls in price. Even cash have also inflationary risk.
Deep Risk: Deep risk is an irretrievable real loss of capital, meaning that after inflation you won’t recover for decades—if ever. It means, the investor should more careful about these types of risk.
After the long data mining and research, we have got some reasons for such type of risk.
1.   Inflation
2.   Deflation
3.   Confiscation
The best investment avenue against inflation is stock market investment during long term. They are guaranteed to expose you to price drops in the shorter run. Most investors can’t survive the pain of plunging prices of stocks in market. It has sure shallow risk.
Deflation, the persistent drop in the value of assets, is extremely rare in modern history. It has hit Japan but almost nowhere else in the past century, thanks to central banks that print money to drive up prices.
The best insurance against deflation is long-term government bonds. Diversifying your portfolio into international stocks also helps.
Confiscation—a surge in taxation by the government as happened to bank depositors in Cyprus—is more common. Your best option is to own real estate abroad, since governments rarely reach beyond their boundaries to seize assets of law-abiding citizens.
For more detail about any other query related investment, you can contact me through my email.

Warm regards,
Arvind Trivedi
Certified Financial Planner

Monday, September 2, 2013

Changing employment market in today's world

After 1991: Changing Employment Market
After opening the Indian economy to the world in 1991, the job market in India has changed significantly. Before 1991, the challenge was to find a job. Once you got job, life journey was very smooth towards retirement. The job certainties has got wiped out after 1991 gradually. After 1991 the job world has witnessed many type of up and downs like dotcom bust, global economy boom, lehman brothers bankruptcy etc. The survival in job has been challenging day by day. New companies are starting and closing so fast. Now 5-10 years in the same job is very difficult. We often get advice from our elders to get job stability. So how we can survive in this new job environment? In this article we are trying to find out some solution to cop this situation.

  • ·         The time has gone now to loyal with one company for your entire life. You should be first loyal to yourself. Now more companies prefer contractual work rather than full time work. Very often more stable jobs come with lower pay and instable jobs bring better opportunities. You should choose these jobs according to your life stage and responsibility. Your focus should be what you getting from company because most company in rough times will not stand by you.
  • ·         Always spend less than your income. Avoid EMI as there is no job surety forever. These EMIs prove very hard to maintain at the time of job loss.  Keep investing in yourself. In today’s scenario, job profiles keep changing. It would be prudent to enhance your current skill and add more value addition in yourself.
  • ·         Invest your money carefully. No investment option is fully safe. Don’t take emotional decision. Make the balanced portfolio with different assets like equity, debt , gold or real estate etc. If you don’t have time so please hire a financial planner and invest accordingly.
  • ·         We spend first 22-25 year for study and then search the job and work till 60-65 year. But now it would be prudent to look opportunities after completing your 12th standard, gain some experience and study further. You should keep study during your working career according to your job requirement.
  • ·         Be ready for change in your career, change in your job location and change in your income. Today’s economy is changing very fast and job requirement also changing sharply due to tech revolution. Be open minded and learn new things and be ready for any changes.

So the conclusion is that you have to be very watchful, flexible and be ready to adopt potential ideas.

For more detail about any other query related investment, you can contact me through my email.

Warm regards,
Arvind Trivedi

Certified Financial Planner